Sean Giblin from the P11 Dublin rail committee and DART for Lucan campaign made an excellent presentation on T21, its relevence to Lucan and the potential problems of implenmentation in stages. He discussed the KRP, Luas and Metro West.
As it included much of what I was to discuss, I had to adlib and gave some background info about P11, discussed how diffcult it is to convince IE to implement small projects such as the PPT, the lack of committment to running trains to spencer dock via the PPT and the importance of consulting with existing users and potential users of rail services.
In attendance were representatives of IE (KRP Presentation), the RPA, Dublin Bus, The DTO, South Dublin CC and the Transport Users Group.
Apparently the organisers of this meeting plan to hold it every few months to provide updates. I trust that Sean will fly the flag for Lucan and P11 will assist him in any way.