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Unread 10-12-2006, 00:54   #12
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 5

Having just spent the best part of 8 hours sitting on bus visiting IKEA in Glasgow, during which the drivers got hopelessly lost - I can only say that the train WILL ALWAYS be the superior form of transport (including the car) in that the train cannot get lost, does not have to negotiate traffic and is usually physically quicker. I would suggest that anyone wanting to see proper transportation in action should viast Scotland - then again I have noticed that many "southern" members seem (bizarelly) to view Scotland and NI as somehow "english" - SO NOT TRUE IN EVERY WAY

In particular Scotland is reopening more mile / kms of completely abandoned line than we could hope for in a lifetime. Check it out - and don't be so narrow minded - said in the most polite way

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