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Unread 10-01-2006, 14:52   #36
Really Regular Poster
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 585

On the integrated ticketing vs prepay issue.

Try boarding a bus in Bordeaux sans billet! You will be charged an extra high fare for holding the place up. The driver will look at you like you're some sort of pond scum.

I would like to see Dublin Bus move this way too.

From a passengers perspective:
1) No queing at the door in the rain.
2) Both doors could be used (if they existed)
3) Flexible ticketing - easy integrated ticketing
4) Driver's freed up to answer queries etc
5) Driver's less grumpy!
6) Busses move faster without long pauses at stops.

From the drivers perspective:
1) Less hassle
2) No need to handle cash
3) No cash on board - much safer.
4) If in a dangerous area / nightlink mode no need to interact with passengers at all.

From a road users perspective:
1) Busses move faster and don't lag at stops while they're taking fares.
2) Environmental benefits from busses idling less and moving more efficiently.

There's no need for the expensive fancy Irish Rail / Luas style ticket vending machines at EVERY stop.
Major stops could have those machines while a parking meter sized device could go in at most stops.

Tickets could be validated on board at numerous points throughout the bus.

If it works on LUAS it can work on Dublin Bus.
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