Interestingly enuf Pip,Dublin Bus was in the throes of moving towards the introduction of 24hr services on some Trunk Routes up until nice Mr Brennan and his fully charged up senior officials entered the fray.
The initial routes would probably have been the 746 Dun Laoire-Airport and the 7 Cherrrywood-An Lar.
And before some other posters start jumping around with "Wat about the Union" mallarkey...The principle of 24 hr services was already covered as part of the last Drivers Wage agreement.
The only issues being the Timetabling/Rosters/MealBreaks and suchlikes.
What many people fail to realize is NiteLink is NOT a Night BUS Service.
Nitelink is an Express Bus Service linking the City Centre and suburbs and was introduced expressly (!!) to rapidly empty the City Centre following some serious Public Order issues nearly 20 years ago.
In the intervening time very little has been done to improve upon the concept which by now is suffering greatly in the wake of Late Luas and extra Taxi`s.
I fully agree that we should have a 24 Hr Standard Bus Service rather than the present premium arrangements...