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Unread 07-01-2006, 10:32   #33
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 632

Interesting you should raise the Nitelink Alek, there is no such thing as a Nitelink ticket in Munich (or any german city I've ever been to). If you have a 1 day ticket (or obviously any season ticket) in your posession it's valid until 6am the following morning on all night services (the underground closes down at 1am but trams and buses run a limited service all night, every night as does the airport S-Bahn). If you don't have a season ticket then a single costs no more than during the daytime. This is what we should aspire to. I understands that the DoT have their mits all over this and I am equally critical of them. This stuff makes me quite angry as we could have introduced it all years ago.
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