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Unread 06-01-2006, 22:50   #32
alek smart
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Posts: 144

Phillip`s requiem for the standard single ticket is quite correct.
However my point above is that there is a certain amount of personal choice which prospective customers exercise in relation to their Journeys.
Phillips desired sans-billet journey is indeed one which Dublin Bus/Luas/Dart presently cannot satisfy.
That still leaves the ready availibility in over 400 ticket agents of not just one,but a Range of multi modal tickets with even the humble Nitelink ticket now being sold at the City Centre Spar/Centra 24 hr convenience stores.
Once again it has to be stressed that the fare structure operated by Dublin Bus is STRICTLY controlled by the Dept of Transport and one reason for the lack of an On-Bus one day ticket sale is that that ticket would then be regarded (by a Civil Servant) as a multi-journey one thus blurring the lines (In a Civil Servants mind) between single journey cash fare and the multi-journey pre-paids.
It should also be noted that Dublin Bus had progressed much further with its own Smart Card/Electronic Purse research than many realize before the Department of Transport suddenly lost interest in the concept some 15 years ago.
The decision then was to await further developments in the technology rather than to allow the company to press ahead with its own system.
In the meantime we really DO require a major push to switch customers away from on-bus cash transactions but that can only come with the ACTIVE backing and involvement of the Department of Transport.....
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