Thread: Friday Food
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Unread 25-08-2006, 11:24   #58
Thomas J Stamp
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Cudos due to NIX over on f365 for this one and yep this thread is a homage to another lawyer with nothing much to do on a Friday:

"Today I shall cook the perfect chicken,

Take one free range chicken, bring it up to room temp, then place some Thyme under the skin/in the cavity/in the creases of the thighs and wings. Add a few fresh bay leaves into the cavity. Then, get some olive oil in your hands and massage it in to the bird (no the chicken you damn fool!), season generously with black pepper an rocks salt the courser the better.

Take a large leek and cut it down the middle. Place them in your roasting dish and lay the chicken on top of it. Cook at 180-190c for 20 mins per 500grams plus 20 mins. When you take it out of the oven remember to drian to juices from indide to chicken into the pan. Cover loosely with foil and leave to rest for at least 20 minutes. Then tear the bleeder apart and consume like a crazed Viking with English mustard. RARRRRRRghhRR.

There are a few tricks here, use some or all. The room temp thing ensures quicker and even cooking. Use it with all meat and fish dishes. The oil first and then the salt ensures a perfect crispy skin.

The leeks allow the bottom of the bird to raost rather than braise. Thyme, lemon and garlic are my number 1 match with chicken.

Also, spend more on chicken it will go further and taste like chicken.

Chef's treat. Turn over the chicken under the wings you will find 2 pockets of meat these are called 'the oysters' and are the best part of the bird. Steal them before anyone else gets them. I treat the kids with them, its also gets them used to the chicken anatomy."
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