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-   -   [30/11/2010] Travel News (http://www.railusers.ie/forum/showthread.php?t=13101)

ThomasJ 30-11-2010 01:49

[30-11-2010] Weatherwatch
Folks (especially in Leinster) don't forget to take care wherever you are conditions are bad, I came close to a hard fall on the bridge at clonsilla Saturday night!

All reports seem to point to a fair amount of snow today so there could be disruption, remember to check Irish rail, Dublin bus, bus eireann, Luas, aa roadwatch , news outlets and here of course for updates.

Wherever you are, take care!

Colm Moore 30-11-2010 01:53

[30/11/2010] Travel News

Tues 30th November: full services expected to operate across network by Corporate Communications
Tuesday 30th November

Full services are expected to operate today throughout the network across Intercity, DART and Commuter routes.

Some services may be subject to minor delays as points are cleared of snow and ice.

Customers are advised to allow extra travel time to arrive at stations due to poor road and footpath conditions.

The website will be updated with any new travel information. Also, please follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/irishrail for up to date info.

Note: thanks to David Geraghty for use of image on "weather watch" graphic

Trampas 30-11-2010 06:32

06.20 Maynooth to Dublin running 20 mins late.

Mark Gleeson 30-11-2010 07:36

M3-Docklands is suspended

5:55 Gorey Dublin is lost somewhere and hasn't reached Greystones yet

Trampas 30-11-2010 08:46

The 5.45 Longford to Pearse left Maynooth just before the 7.15.

The Dart from Connolly to Greystones around 8 was jammed packed.

I think this train should really be a 8 set as it is always packed

Jamie2k9 30-11-2010 10:19

Galway & Westport servies running up to 90mins late
http://www.irishrail.ie/news_centre/...ew&news_id=969 Update @ 09:15


There is currently very heavy snowfall in Athlone. This is blocking points, which we are working to clear. Delays to Galway and Westport services are running at 45-90 minutes.
Westport to Dublin Heuston (A801) 08:38 10:53 33 Mins Departed Newbridge

07:40 Waterford - Heuston also running 25mins late.

Jamie2k9 30-11-2010 10:49



ues 30th November: full services operating , delays at Athlone by Corporate Communications

Tuesday 30th November - 10.30hrs

Full services are expected to operate today throughout the network across Intercity, DART and Commuter routes.

Some services may be subject to minor delays as points are cleared of snow and ice.

Full M3 Parkway services are now operating again after earlier disruption. Maynooth and M3 Parkway services are subject to 15-20 minute delays.

There is currently very heavy snowfall in Athlone. This is blocking points, which we are working to clear. Delays to Galway and Westport services are running at 45-60 minutes.

Customers are advised to allow extra travel time to arrive at stations due to poor road and footpath conditions.

The website will be updated with any new travel information. Also, please follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/irishrail for up to date info.

Jamie2k9 30-11-2010 12:26


Tuesday 30th November - 12.05hrs

The 12.00hrs Dublin - Cork Service will have a delayed departure time of 30 minutes.

Maynooth and M3 Parkway services are subject to 15-20 minute delays.

There is currently very heavy snowfall in Athlone. This is blocking points, which we are working to clear. Delays to Galway and Westport services are running at 45-60 minutes.

Customers are advised to allow extra travel time to arrive at stations due to poor road and footpath conditions.

The website will be updated with any new travel information. Also, please follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/irishrail for up to date info.

pixiebean22 30-11-2010 14:15

Do keep an eye on their twitter page as they seem to be keeping it up to date :eek:

grainne whale 30-11-2010 14:39

Feeder Bus Service to /from Hazelhatch Station - Celbridge
Many thanks to Sharon Birchall who provides the Feeder Bus Service between Hazelhatch Station/Celbridge, she provides a 2nd bus to pick up additional passengers (returning home), during this cold spell, as she did during the cold spell at the beginning of the year, also.

Jamie2k9 30-11-2010 16:32



Tues 30th November: full services operating across the network by Corporate Communications

Tuesday 30th November - 16.20hrs

Full services are expected to operate this evening throughout the network across Intercity, DART and Commuter routes.

Some services may be subject to minor delays as points are cleared of snow and ice.

The 15.30hrs Heuston to Westport/Galway service is operating 30 minutes late. Customers will change to a bus transfer at Athlone to travel onwards to Galway.

Customers are advised to allow extra travel time to arrive at stations due to poor road and footpath conditions.

The website will be updated with any new travel information. Also, please follow us on Twitter at twitter.com/irishrail for up to date info.

Colm Moore 30-11-2010 16:56

Luas Connolly closed

Red Line Travel Alert

Date Tuesday 30th November 2010 1340hrs

Due to essential maintenance works Connolly Luas Stop is currently closed. Please board at either Busáras or George's Dock.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Luas Customer Care

Travel Updates

30th November 2010.

Luas Red Line (Tallaght - The Point and Connolly) and Green Line (St. Stephen's Green to Brides Glen) are operating normally.

Please continue to monitor this website for updates and also www.transport.ie and www.aaireland.ie
Please also listen for media updates and updates from AA Roadwatch.


Luas Customer Care
Freephone: 1800 300 604

Rashers 30-11-2010 19:22

Delays this morning
Although the 07.12 Drogheda-Bray left on time, it encountered delays of 15 mins around Howth Junction.
No announcements from the drivers, nothing on Irishrail.ie, nothing on LED platform displays, and no announcements.
So when I rang 7032613 @ 08.45am I was advised there was also a complete telecoms breakdown out of CTC this morning. Hence they could not advise drivers of any of the delays, could not make platform announcements, or could not update the LED displays. A complete joke if you ask me....:mad:

Rashers 30-11-2010 19:24

Delays this evening
All northbound DARTs and Drogheda bound services were delayed by minimum of 15 minutes this evening...not sure of exact reason, as the DARTs seemed to leave Bray on time, but DARTs originating in Greystones seemed to be causing all the problems....late into work...late home...:mad:

Colm Moore 30-11-2010 19:36

Delays of 7-20 minutes on 25% of Dublin area services

Realtime Results for Dublin Connolly - 19:33 RSS feed for Dublin Connolly
Journey Northbound Service Sch ETA Due In Latest Information
Greystones to Howth(E931) DART 19:53 20:06 33 Mins Departed Killiney

Journey Southbound Service Sch ETA Due In Latest Information
Malahide to Bray(E227) DART 19:39 19:46 13 Mins Departed Howth Junction
Drogheda to Dublin Pearse(P622) 19:46 20:05 31 Mins Arrived Rush and Lusk

Colm Moore 30-11-2010 19:38

Delays of up to 22 minutes on heuston arrivals

Realtime Results for Dublin Heuston - 19:37 RSS feed for Dublin Heuston
Journey Service Sch ETA Due In Latest Information

Cork to Dublin Heuston(A223) 19:30 19:50 13 Mins Departed Cherry Orchard
Waterford to Dublin Heuston(A519) 19:35 19:57 20 Mins Departed Hazelhatch
Newbridge to Dublin Heuston(P216) 19:50 20:09 32 Mins Departed Sallins

Cork to Dublin Heuston(A225) 20:22 20:38 61 Mins Arrived Ballybrophy

Colm Moore 30-11-2010 21:29

Delays of up to 12 minutes on 20% of DARTs and a small number of Intercity services.

James Howard 30-11-2010 22:30

The 1805 Connolly to Longford was back to its normal 15 to 20 minute delay this evening.

All times are GMT. The time now is 05:45.

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