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Trains are crammed to capacity every day. Many large towns are left without a rail service. Rail Users Ireland is lobbying the government and getting coverage in the media for a better rail service, a service that will ease the commuter nightmare for Irish people around the country, especially in Dublin. Below is a list of our current campaigns:

Extend the DART - Build the Interconnector

A Dart service to Kildare, Drogheda, Maynooth, Navan and the Airport, via an underground city-centre tunnel. The extension of the DART is vital for Dublin's commuters.

Read all about the Dublin Rail Plan to Extend the DART >>

A rail service for Navan

Navan desperately needs a rail service for the ever-expanding number of commuters working in Dublin. We could have a rail service to Navan within two years, without compromising other services

Read about how Navan needs a rail service >>

Integrated Ticketing

Dublin could have integrated ticketing tomorrow if the government would stop wasting our money

Read more about our Integrated Ticketing proposal>>

Use the Phoenix Park Tunnel now

Dublin already has a cross-city rail tunnel. It's not a valid long-term solution, but it can be used in the short-term before the interconnector is built

Read more about the Phoenix Park Tunnel and our 'd-connector' proposal >>

Where is my DART

Remember how Iarnród Éireann promised a full 8 coach DART service from the 2007 timetable change? Well Iarnród Éireann didn't tell you its been put off till at least mid 2008 as a result

Rail Users Ireland conducted an in depth investigation and discovered a mess of poor project management and attempts by the parties involved to cover it up. Journalists started to ask questions based on our information but it wasn't until Rail Users Ireland produced the terms of the contract that Iarnród Éireann admitted that there where problems. This was exposed in the national media as a result of our work.

Read more about fiasco >>

Last Updated: October 16 2007 21:37:17
© Rail Users Ireland 2007-2025